About This Guide

Our Mission

To drive as many resources into the hands of our small to midsize businesses as possible. We want you to understand how important you are to us. We will be here with you every step of the way through this situation. We’re in this with you and we have your back! Deep Breaths and go over this website slowly and deliberately. Take Your Time.

Your Team

Walker County Chamber; City Staff; State, Regional, and Federal Partners; Elected Officials, ReDev Workshop, Financial Partners; Downtown Development Authorities; Education Partners; and Community Members

Resource Process Update

This website will stay updated on going. Our city staffs will update regularly as our Federally elected officials pass more policy in regard to aid or stimulus packages. We will also update as the State of Georgia passes new policy, brings new economic development resources, or support resources to our community.

Who is this for:

This guide is meant for Businesses that have 500 employees or less, and defined as a Small or Medium size Business.

Local Assistance Expectations:

We are a tiny staff. So we ask that you please have patience if it may take a little while to get back to you. Depending on the questions asked, resources needed, and magnitude of policy changes or updates… we may be limited only to large updates for a while via email; however, we will try our very best to answer any individual questions that you may have. We will not have all of the answers, so we will be bringing in expertise in various areas to assist you. If you haven’t already, please fill out the Business Contacts form on the front page in your geographic area of business designation (City of LaFayette, City of Rossville, City of Chickamauga, or in Walker County (unincorporated)), so that you can stay updated by your local governments on any new local policies or local incentives as soon as they become available.

First Move:

Go directly to the Policy Section as that will change the most frequently, and then continue on through the guide. If you click on the link to this website at any time and you receive an error message, keep refreshing the page because it just means that we are updating the site. This could happen often at first because so many things are changing. Just keep checking back.

Now, take a deep breath... let's go through this guide. We are completely in this with you, and will be here beside you the entire time.